Tips for using oxygen cylinders at home:

Check your supply: Wash your hands first
Attach the tubing: Attach the cannula tubing to your oxygen unit as shown
Set your flow rate: Set the flow rate
Put the cannula in your nose: Put the cannula in your nose
Keep your equipment clean: Keep your equipment clean
Take care of yourself: Take care of yourself

Oxygen cylinders are a standard method of oxygen delivery, along with oxygen concentrators. Oxygen cylinders should be treated with respect, and not left out in the sun or used outside of the case they came in. 

Oxygen cylinders can last for different amounts of time depending on the flow rate and the size of the cylinder:

  • 1 liter/min: 680 minutes, or 11 hours and 20 minutes
  • 2 liter/min: 340 minutes, or 5 hours and 40 minutes
  • 3 liter/min: 226 minutes, or 3 hours and 46 minutes
  • 4 liter/min: 170 minutes, or 2 hours and 50 minutes
  • 5 liter/min: 136 minutes, or 2 hours and 16 minutes
  • 8 liter/min: 85 minutes, or 1 hour and 25 minutes
  • 10 liter/min: 68 minutes, or 1 hour and 8 minutes
  • 15 liter/min: 44 minutes 

Oxygen generators are used in many industries, including hospitals, production facilities, computer chip manufacturing, glass blowing, and wastewater treatment

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