45 cft (10 Liter) Oxygen Gas Cylinder with Flowmeter


Portable oxygen tanks, also known as non-prescription portable oxygen concentrators (POCs), are small, lightweight, and quiet devices that provide supplemental oxygen while you’re away from home. POCs work by extracting oxygen from the surrounding air and turning it into condensed oxygen for you to breathe. They can deliver oxygen by pulse dose in bursts, or some units can deliver oxygen continuously

45 cft (10 Liter) Small cylinder with Flowmeter.

Duration approx. 6-7 Hours

Self take away and refill by customer!


Oxygen won’t completely take away your shortness of breath, but it can help many lung disease patients feel less breathless during everyday activities. Not everyone who has shortness of breath is a candidate for oxygen

Symptoms of hypoxia include headaches, weakness, shortness of breath, fainting, chest pain, muscle pain and lightheadedness. Supplemental oxygen will help with all those symptoms.

The price of oxygen cylinders in Karachi varies depending on the size and model, with portable cylinders costing around PKR 16,000

The size of the oxygen tank is going to determine how long it will last. Typically, oxygen tanks have a 7–8-hour lifespan. It is important to pay attention to the oxygen regulator on your tank, so you know when it is time to switch it out

45 cft (10 Liter) Small cylinder with Flowmeter.

Duration approx. 7 to 8 Hours on 1 ltr Oxygen

Self take away and refill by customer!


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