
Oxygen gas is a medical treatment that can help patients with low blood oxygen levels due to various lung diseases or conditions. Oxygen gas can be administered to patients in different ways, depending on their needs and the availability of oxygen sources. Some of the common methods of oxygen administration are:

– **Nasal cannula**: a medical tube that goes through both nostrils and delivers oxygen at a low to moderate flow rate (usually 1 to 6 litres per minute). This method is suitable for patients who need a small amount of supplemental oxygen and can breathe normally.
– **Simple face mask**: a plastic mask that covers the nose and mouth and delivers oxygen at a moderate flow rate (usually 6 to 10 litres per minute). This method is suitable for patients who need a higher amount of supplemental oxygen and can breathe normally.
– **Reservoir face mask**: a plastic mask that has a bag attached to it and delivers oxygen at a high flow rate (usually 10 to 15 litres per minute). This method is suitable for patients who need a very high amount of supplemental oxygen and have severe hypoxaemia.
– **Venturi mask**: a plastic mask that has a valve attached to it and delivers oxygen at a precise concentration (usually 24% to 60%). This method is suitable for patients who need a specific amount of supplemental oxygen and have chronic lung diseases that can cause carbon dioxide retention.
– **BiPAP or CPAP**: a machine that delivers oxygen through a mask or a nasal prong and applies positive airway pressure to help the patient breathe. This method is suitable for patients who have difficulty breathing due to obstructive sleep apnoea, acute respiratory failure, or pulmonary oedema.
– **Ventilator**: a machine that delivers oxygen through a tube inserted into the patient’s airway and controls the patient’s breathing. This method is suitable for patients who cannot breathe on their own due to severe respiratory failure, coma, or neuromuscular disorders.

Oxygen gas can be obtained from different sources, such as oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, or medical gas pipeline systems. Oxygen cylinders contain a fixed amount of oxygen and need to be replaced when they run out. Oxygen concentrators are devices that filter the air and produce oxygen continuously. Medical gas pipeline systems are installed in hospitals and deliver oxygen to the patient’s bedside through a wall port and an oxygen flow meter.

I hope this information helps you understand how oxygen gas is administered to patients. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. 😊

Care Gas Services